Templogger Changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1.6 Date 2011, February 8 Small corrections - synchronization callback was not using sensor offsets (historical data obtained via the call back mechanism would appear without offset) - when the sensors settings are changed, the data is stored immediately, instead of on exit of the client program - Updated sensor definitions for new sensors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1.5 Date 2010, dec 5. Main issues added/corrected since 2.0.1: - better response on usb queries bs1000 (esp from the netconfigtool) during download of data - groupnumbers added to a sensor. Can be used for sorting and messenger functionality, also in bs1000 - rssi value corrected for messenger $r will show rssi value now - inactive sensor measurement corrected: $x should indicate correct time after setting/changing a rule - a sensor given an empty name will now get the 'sensor ' name as default. An empty name is not allowed - %S timestamp tag added in messenger: timestamp of measurement in number of seconds since 1-1-2000. - '=' operator changed in '==' in messenger tools: - SensorlistEditor replaces namelisteditor. Now offset and group number can be supplied to sensorlist. The bs1000 handles this data with firmware - ruleeditor could save its records in wrong order. - networkconfig tool requeries bs1000 several times when no response is given. - setup: moved driver files to rf_usb folder.